Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Number 9

Jeez, what a day. Ride in was about 10 degrees, ride back was 9. The ride in was good for the first half - rode/raced with a guy from Beacon to Comm to the Mass Ave underpass where he bailed to Mass ave and I took The Plunge.

Then I was on Clarendon and almost got hit by a black BMW guy making a right from Clarendon (and driving RIGHT BESIDE ME) on to St James. He came within about 2.5 inches (I had my nuclear yellow jacket on - can't miss me). I yelled, passed, and looked back to see him giving me the "not my fault" shrug - plus he yelled that he had the right lane. I flipped and went mental - besides unleashing a torrent of vitriol at him, I turned around and raced up St James after him to where he was ultimately stuck at the light.

Friends, my words to this gentleman were not honorable or right, but sometimes the fear that a near-injury experience produces makes me act in injudicious ways.

The ride home was, as I mentioned, in 9 degrees of frigid pain (wind chill = -14). When I got home I could not feel the tips of my right-hand middle and ring fingers.

I took a similar route home as I did last night. The picture is at the whole Christian Science complex. The trees look the way my fingers felt taking the picture (I had to take off my gloves), spindly, brittle branches.


JZ Hicks said...

Clarification: Was that a guy in a black BMW or was it a Black guy in a BMW?

Anonymous said...

Ah, that was a guy in a black BMW. Not meaning his name was Guy, although it could have been. I called him by another name, though.